Neuroplasticity refers to the fact that the brain is not an unchangeable organ stuck in a permanent state of functioning. On the contrary, humans can reshape their brains and make new neuropathways to increase health and performance. This means that some types of brain damage, disability, and dysfunction can be reduced or completely reversed.
How is this possible? Common ways include therapy, medication, and operations. These options tend to be the ones most people turn to first in trying to manage or fix problems in the brain. Sometimes they work and sometimes they do not. Some of these approaches come with dangerous side effects, as well. A lesser-known alternative we offer at Performance Rehab Associates is neurofeedback, which is not only just as effective but also safer than more traditional options.
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback, which entails connecting electrical sensors to a specific body part – in this case, the brain – to receive information on it. You then use this information to recognize problems so you can change them.
The ultimate purpose is to learn how to control your own body and mind, making neurofeedback an empowering form of treatment. It is also not invasive or reliant on drugs, thus eliminating the risks that come with traditional medical techniques. In fact, it can be an enjoyable procedure.
One of our doctors attaches electrodes to your scalp. Hooking sensors to your head may sound scary or painful, but the good news is that it is not. There are no pricks involved, just preparation gels and adhesive to keep the electrodes in place. We also use a cap to make finding the proper placement quick and easy and to give you more comfort.
The sensors transmit your brain activity through EEG (electroencephalogram), showing your brain waves on a screen. Results reveal places and patterns of dysfunction. For example, your brain may be overstimulated in areas that should be calm.
The next step is to change your brain activity to improve neurological communication and functioning. We do this through visual, auditory, and tactile responses that teach your brain how to correct itself and perform optimally instead of defaulting to unhealthy thoughts and cycles.
Examples of exercises we use include eye and head movements, proprioception (bodily self-awareness), and postural techniques from the ELDOA method. No input goes into your brain to force it in any way. You stay in control and simply learn how to correctly respond to stimuli, solve problems, and keep the brain on track.
Neurofeedback benefits those who have brain issues, from mental illness to traumatic injuries. The procedure can treat numerous neurological problems:
Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
Balance disorders
Headaches and migraines
Insomnia and nightmares
Parkinson’s disease
Vertigo and motion sickness
Neurofeedback is applicable to patients of all ages, including children with emotional and behavioral issues or learning and developmental delays. It improves attention, memory, coordination, relaxation, and emotional management.
All these benefits make it a relevant solution for boosting sports performance, too. It can alleviate performance anxiety, speed up reaction time, refine concentration, and help heal or manage sports injuries.
Success rates are higher for dysregulation problems than for degenerative diseases and severe cognitive issues. Environmental factors can also play a role in the duration of the results.
The treatment is very safe. The most common side effect participants sometimes experience is tiredness, which can be reduced by adjusting the settings. Less often, a patient may have a minor sensitivity to the gel on the electrode.
The only significant negative to neurofeedback is the cost, as some insurance providers do not cover it. However, in the long run, it is very cost-effective due to increased productivity, better health, decreased pain and enhanced cognitive performance.
If you are ready to experience a higher quality of life that is absent of the neurological symptoms you suffer from, set up an appointment with Performance Rehab Associates to start the journey toward a healthy brain.