Dr. Justin Resetar

Dr. Justin Resetar

Dr. Justin Resetar earned his degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida. Prior to becoming a chiropractor, he graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a BS in Exercise Science. Dr. Justin also worked as a massage therapist where he gained a unique insight into the musculoskeletal system and honed his skills in providing holistic care to his patients. This interest in the human body and its functions led him to pursue a career in Chiropractic. He believes in treating the root cause of a patient's pain or discomfort rather than just the symptoms.

Dr. Justin Resetar has received training in dry needling, Cox Flexion Distraction, RockTape FMT Basic/Advanced, FAKTR, and neuromuscular re-education massage techniques. He utilizes these modalities to improve the quality of life of his patients and takes pride in helping them achieve optimal health and wellness. When he is not treating patients, Dr. Justin enjoys playing soccer, pickleball, or going out for a round of golf.

Dr. Justin Resetar's Availability​​​​​​​