Physical Therapy

The physical therapists at Performance Rehab are highly trained healthcare professionals utilizing diverse treatment options and exercise interventions. At PRA, our physical therapists often work in tandem with our chiropractors to design an optimal treatment plan. We treat disorders and dysfunction in hopes to eliminate the need for expensive surgery and reduce the use of prescription medication.

PRA physical therapists thoroughly examine each individual and develop a customized plan of treatment. They use a variety of techniques to decrease pain and increase overall function for return to sport and daily activities after injury or surgery. Some of our unique techniques include Mulligan Mobilizations, soft tissue treatment, Fascial Abrasion Technique, spinal and joint mobilization, McKenzie Method, scar tissue mobilization, joint range of motion, guided therapeutic exercise, and neuromuscular re-education.

McKenzie Evaluation and Treatment

The McKenzie Method was developed in the 1960s by Robin McKenzie, a physical therapist in New Zealand. In his practice, he noted that certain movements of the spine could provide significant relief of extremity and neck or back pain. The McKenzie approach is a series of movements and techniques guided by a physical therapist to decrease or eliminate arm/leg pain as well as neck and back pain. It allows the patient to progress in treating themselves and prevent neck and back pain in the future.

  • Amazing benefits and results when paired with Chiropractic treatments

  • Strengthens and stabilizes injured regions

  • Reinforces proper movements

Physical Therapy Locations